Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Happy, busy, and a little homesick!

Hello all! Ok... where do I even start? As expected, I'm a little late on updating what's been going on. Here are a FEW of the things that have happened since my last post!

November 29th:
Bright Lights Shining Stars performance! The concert celebrates New York City Dance Alliance's college scholarship foundation (NYCDAF). This year it was in honor of Catherine-Zeta Jones! Her speech was incredible and she looked absolutely stunning. I was so excited because I was asked to perform in the opening number with Zoey Anderson, Mattie Love, Logan Epstein (Pace friend), Chase Madigan, and Jakob Karr! We did a musical theatre dance choreographed by Joey Dowling. We were supposed to wear tan character shoes in the dance and since I didn't have any... I had the perfect excuse to buy a pair of La Duca's! I was ecstatic. La Duca's are a really nice dance shoe if you didn't know :) Performing was a ton of fun. A lot of the students from Pace bought tickets to come see Logan and I perform.  It was truly an amazing and inspirational night! 

October 6th:
Conference weekend was amazing. Michael Ann
(I absolutely love her) invited us over to her apartment to watch the Saturday afternoon session of conference and to have brunch. It was so nice seeing them and having a home cooked meal! I had to take the subway to get there, but the train I took was running express instead of local, so I had to transfer trains. While I was waiting for the train to come, I was reading my acting assignment. I wasn't paying attention to the people around me when a guy caught me off guard. I don't remember the first thing he said, but something along the lines of him "finding me quite attractive." He gave me a piece of paper and then quickly walked away. When I opened the paper, it had his name and number on it. Don't be alarmed! I didn't and don't plan on calling the number. However, it was unexpectedly flattering! The messages shared during conference were just what I needed to hear. I am so grateful for the gospel and it's accessibility and consistency no matter where you are in the world.

I often go out on the weekends now to either assist Jacki Ford or to choreograph/teach at this studio called the Art of Dance. It has been an awesome learning experience! The kids are a lot of fun to work with and they absolutely love the small group I choreographed for them. Apparently when I came the first time to assist, a girl named Tessa was so excited to see me that she had to leave the room because she started crying. She was very distraught when she found out she couldn't come the next week when I was teaching a master class. After I taught the following week, the girls told me why she couldn't be there, but that it would "make her life" if I followed her on Instagram. I followed her and her reaction to it was priceless. She was ecstatic! I'm glad that I was able to make someone so happy by doing something so simple.

Now for my random thoughts:

Laundry... I am now truly grateful for all the times my mom willingly did my laundry for me at home. Not only do I have to find time when I can do my laundry now, but I also have to find dryers that I can actually reach! Long story short (no pun intended), I came back to the laundry room the other day to transfer my clothes from the washer to dryer, but someone had already switched them over for me. (If you take too long to pull your clothes out of the washer, they pull them out for you.) When I went back to get my clothes out of the dryer, I realized I was too short to reach and get my own clothes out! I had to climb up the lower dryer, so I could reach my clothes above. I looked like an idiot and of course the only other people that were in there were two boys that just stared at me the whole time. Not to mention that the clothes were still so hot that I had to climb back down to grab a cooled shirt to use as a "mitt" to grab the rest of my clothes still in the dryer. It was quite the experience!

The term "Just Barely" So... I don't know if it's a Utah thing or what, but people get confused when I say "just barely." For example: My friend, Devin, told me that he had been practicing his song in his room that he was going to be singing in auditions. I asked him, "Just barely?" (meaning: had he just recently been practicing in his room?) Apparently, most people use the term "just barely" as a form of quantity, not time. He thought that I was asking if he only partially practiced his song, but I was asking if he had been singing recently. I've ran into a lot of cultural differences while being here. Some are pretty interesting!

I am now officially a "New Yorker" because I missed a train due to oversleeping and a transit problem. I was supposed to go out to New Jersey to assist Jacki, but instead of meeting her outside the subway at 8:00am Saturday morning, I woke up at 8:00am to a text from her. As soon as I received the text, I frantically tried to get ready to make it to the subway.  Unfortunately the subway was running slow and I arrived at Port Authority right when the bus was leaving at 8:30am. Note to self: set MULTIPLE alarms!

Classes have been going great so far! So far, I have learned 3 dances for our upcoming show!
1. Scott Jovovich's Pointe dance: This dance is a lot fun because I'm the lead role's understudy, so I get to do a lot of partnering! I came from a studio that had no boys and now I'm doing all kinds of different types of partnering lifts! It's a whole new learning experience.
2. Chase Brock's musical theatre dance: Chase was one of the choreographers for Spiderman on Broadway, so he set one of the dances from the show. It's very different, but it's a lot of fun.
3. Chloe Arnold's tap dance: This was so hard for me. We had to audition to be in this dance and somehow I made in as 2nd cast. It was completely over my head when we were first learning it, but I think I'm starting to get the hang of it!

There is so much that's been going on! I love it! My days are full and it gets tiring, but I wouldn't change it! I can't wait to come home in 24 days (But who's counting?) for Thanksgiving break! I miss my family so much. My mom told me I get to choose what we have for Sunday dinner and I'm thinking long and hard about what I want :) I am also so grateful for how everything has played out to get me to where I am. I can't explain how many tender mercies I have seen in the process of moving here and beginning my journey. I am so grateful for the gospel and the joy that it brings. I am truly blessed and watched over. Thanks for reading!

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